Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Monday's Poem::::: "SMS"

Monday's Poem:::::::::: "SMS" Views: 38
Feb 01, 2010 6:02 am Monday's Poem:::::::::: "SMS" #

Manohar Bhatia
What is SMS?
Is it short messaging service reminder
or a small memory system rejoinder?
Where "are you" becomes 'r', 'u'
or "homework" converts into 'hw'
where English Language
takes a short beating
for a bigger assault
in terms of grammar,pronounciation.
Ouch! that hearts my heart.

Is SMS a boon for man
or a bane for the brain?
where its overactive radio
waves may harm our wonderful
cells,causing cancer,unknown
diseases,to permenantly paralyse
men into submission,dependency,helplessness,
by this monster toy,unfortunately nicknamed 'cell'

Is SMS a bust for a driver
or a boost for him to make
an accident on the way?
injuring himself and its
many occupants in his car,
apart from twisting his
car beyond repairs to be
towed away to scrap-yard!

Is SMS a booty
for a carnival of operators
where they keep sending you
a marketting package of
filthy grabage of hello tunes,
for you to accidently press a button
to charge a sum you are
never aware of or interested in?

Is SMS a short cut to everything
putting the famous hare/tortoise story
into oblivion for ever?
when hare will win the race
and tortoise will follow
in his footsteps to shame!

Beware the SMS!
it may twist your language
it may harm your health
it may lighten your wallet
it may quicken your death.
Handle your cell adroitly
to keep all dangers at bay
and come out a winner!

---The End---
copyright@Manohar Bhatia
All rights reserved.

Private Reply to Manohar Bhatia Delete your post

Feb 01, 2010 9:27 am re: Monday's Poem:::::::::: "SMS" #

Diane Stephenson Very unique way to describe a cell phone. I've never had one so don't know much about them. But I do know that this kind of thing is ruining the English (and I expect just about every other) language. And the dangers of using them while driving is extreme. Every time I see some driver turning a corner one-handed with a cell phone in the other glued to his ear I cringe. You have given a very good "discourse" on the dangers and offered good advice at the end.


Private Reply to Diane Stephenson

Feb 01, 2010 9:44 am re: Monday's Poem:::::::::: "SMS" #

Diane Tegarden
I agree that texting while driving is extremely dangerous, in fact, in California the law has required drivers to install a hands free system to use with their cell phones so it is now against the law to hold a cell phone while driving. Unfortunately I have seen so many drivers ignoring the law that there are still plenty of serious accidents involving a driver who was either talking or texting on their phones.

I still think that the main point of driving should be to get from point A to point B, but I'd probably be considered a Neanderthal for thinking so. Are people so important that they have to be in touch 100% of the time, even when driving, eating or on vacation?

Maybe I'm just jealous because I don't have people constantly hounding me on my cell phone!

What is the world coming to when people can talk to strangers all day and ignore their family/loved ones all night?


BRB, someone is "blowing up" my celly!

demonstrably devilish Diane

Energetically Yours, Diane Tegarden
"Getting OUT of Limbo-A Self Help Divorce Book for Women";"Light Through
Shuttered Window- A Compendium of my Poetry";"Anti-Vigilante and The
Rips in Time"- available at and

Private Reply to Diane Tegarden

Feb 01, 2010 11:18 am re: re: Monday's Poem:::::::::: "SMS" #

Ayub Bangroo
Hi Manohar,
It is true that our phobia of and obsession with cell phones has many dangers apart from what happens to the languages used in so short forms.You have mentioned A to Z OF all these evils in an emphatic way.But,how many care?


Private Reply to Ayub Bangroo

Feb 01, 2010 11:43 am re: Monday's Poem:::::::::: "SMS" #

Karishma Sundaram The 'filthy operators' really struck a chord, since I've been charged ridiculous fees for services both unrequested and unwanted.

SMS language is really a blight and, considering some exam boards are now allowing students to use that language for tests, it is something to be feared indeed!

I really enjoyed your quirky poem - thank you for sharing.

Warm regards,

Private Reply to Karishma Sundaram

Feb 01, 2010 12:00 pm re: re: Monday's Poem:::::::::: "SMS" #

Diane Stephenson Diane:

I guess I'm your sister Neanderthal! It really irks me when I see people walking down the aisle in the grocery store with a phone to their ear and to see people in the middle of a church service texting someone. Before cell phones it used to drive me nuts to see so many people walking down the street with a walkman plugged into their ears and now its iPods and MP3 players or cell phones. Don't people ever take a few minutes to be quiet and think? Or is it possibly that they simply can't stand their own thoughts?

I think I like Neanderthal. It suits me much better.


Private Reply to Diane Stephenson

Feb 01, 2010 12:35 pm re: re: re: Monday's Poem:::::::::: "SMS" #

Jack Huber It wasn't that long ago that when you were away from your house or office, you were out of reach. Cell phones provide us a double-edged sword. Convenience gives way to constant virtual contact, especially with the youth of today, and gone are in-person interactions. My grandkids text their parents (and they reply!) even when they are in the same room. Perhaps vocal chords will go the way of the tailbone and appendix...

btw- Manohar, very well done on your descriptions of the SMS world.


Private Reply to Jack Huber

Feb 02, 2010 7:18 am re: re: re: re: Monday's Poem:::::::::: "SMS" #

Manohar Bhatia Hi,
Diane:::Thank you for our shared view on English.
Di::::::Your comments are appreciated.
Ayub::::you have taken your valuable time to read the poem;thanks.
Jack::::While I don't intend to be negative totally on the mobile revolution,but I do find some helpful moments in this miracle toy tucked away in your pocket!

Manohar Bhatia

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