Monday, May 18, 2009

Short Poem::::::::::::: Wheel Of Life

What is this Wheel of Life,
Where every person goes through?

Is it a Merry-Go-Round,
or a Giant Wheel,
or a Tora,Tora,Tora,
Or for that matter a Roller-Coaster?

No one knows how many people ride,
No one knows how many people get off,
Where have they all gone,
Disappeared like ghosts,
never to be seen again?

So long as they were on Wheel,
they were happy,they laughed,
they cried,they were thrilled,
they held their hands to-gather,
in unity,in love,in assurance,
in confidence, in trust,

Now, the Wheel has stopped,
Man is separated from Man,
son from his mother,
wife from her husband,
lover from her beloved,

Alas!,one wished
Wheel should not stop

But, change is a way of life,
where sorrow is followed by joy,
separation is followed by t0-gatherness,
Where,hate is followed by love.

Indeed,life is a Roller Coaster ride,
Enjoy totally that moment!

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