Tuesday, August 31, 2010

F.O.R.M.____ Sestina by Jack Huber.

Jack Huber
Sestina The sestina is a very structured form of six sestets (six-line stanzas) followed by a triplet (or tercet, a three-line stanza) for a total of 39 lines. What sets it apart, however, is the re-use of the final word in each line of the first stanza in a specific order that is different in each subsequent stanza. All six repeating words appear in the triplet as well.The sestet is usually strictly metered and is commonly written in decasyllables, or lines of ten syllables each, but other formal structures are acceptable. Rhyming is not a requirement of the form, but if the first stanza rhymes (i.e. a-b-c-a-b-c or a-b-a-b-a-b) , the balance will rhyme by default, since the rhyming words are the ones repeated. However, the pattern of rhyme will only follow the sequence of last words for each stanza. In a rhyming pattern, lines ending in a sound designated by “a” only rhyme with other “a” lines, “b” lines only with other “b” lines, and so on.

The notation for the last words is “1” through “6,” for each of the six lines, thus the pattern of use is as follows:
Stanza 1: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Stanza 2: 6 1 5 2 4 3
Stanza 3: 3 6 4 1 2 5
Stanza 4: 5 3 2 6 1 4
Stanza 5: 4 5 1 3 6 2
Stanza 6: 2 4 6 5 3 1
Stanza 7: 6 2, 1 4, 5 3
The final triplet, using all six words in three lines, is a point in the sestet that can vary from form, using a different pattern (i.e. 1 2, 3 4, 5 6), or perhaps a couplet (two-line stanza, i.e. 6 2 1, 4 5 3). A rare format even ends on a haiku or senryu, utilizing the six repeated words in the accepted 5-7-5 syllabic pattern.

So, in the example below, 1=day, 2=cold, 3=place, 4=café, 5=hold and 6=embrace.

Example:A Picturesque Café
Regardless of the time of day,
or if a tempest's rain is cold,
my mind will wander to the place
where first we met, that quaint café,
when both our lives were still on hold;
we hadn't had our first embrace.

The world had left me to embrace
a job I suffered through each day,
no inspiration taking hold,
relentless as a common cold.

But in this picturesque cafe
my life was never out of place.
I hadn't known that in this place
I'd found a reason to embrace
my future and this old café.
I made my mind up on this day

that though the season's turning cold,
the promise of its warmth I'd hold.
A notion started, keeping hold,
that there was something in this place
which bore the brunt of passions cold,
where many felt love's kind embrace,

escaping from their trying day--
I'd someday own this aged café.
The atmosphere of my café,
an ambiance of which would hold the patrons' kindness through the day-
this would be the only place to offer all a warm embrace,
a lively shelter from the cold.

Through summer's drought and winter's cold,
my friends would come to my café
to help each other, love, embrace camaraderie,
while couples hold each other, like no other place
to spend their lives day after day.

I longingly embrace the cold
and greet the day in our cafe,
take hold of this, our perfect place.

Copyright © 2009 by Jack Huber7 hours ago ·

Manohar Bhatia Jack,This is a very difficult one, but challenging.What's this life if its not a challenge?I am trying Jack to come up with this one.Will I be able to do it?
Manohar Bhatia.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

F.O.R.M.Poetry:::::::::::::: Haiku & Senryu.

F.O.R.M.- Haiku and Senryu (revisited)
Views: 23
Aug 03, 2010 9:41 am
F.O.R.M.- Haiku and Senryu (revisited)
Jack Huber
Haiku and Senryu Haiku is one of the oldest Japanese forms of poetry. Originally written about the seasons of the year, currently nature is also an acceptable theme.Haiku does not rhyme and consists of 17 syllables in three lines in a 5–7–5 format (five syllables in line one, seven in line two, then five again). In classic haiku, there is usually a “cutting word” that turns the thoughts of the reader in an unexpected, sometimes ironic, direction. Although “haiku” has become a catch phrase that includes any and all 5-7-5-formatted poems, there are other poetic forms with that format. Senryu can be thought of as haiku that features human foibles or characteristics of life rather than nature or the seasons. It may or may not have a cutting word.Since they are short, titles of haiku or senryu are often taken from the poem’s first line or are simply numbered, though naming poems is completely up to the author without specific rules.Examples:Spring Harvest (Haiku)Spring harvest begins when revealed petals call out for tiny visits.Autumn Prepares Trees (Haiku)Autumn prepares trees for the brutal cold coming- a sleeping forest. Intensity (Senryu)Loud explosions fuelthe thrill of intensity in a stuntman's heart.Footprints (Senryu)For one brief moment the world can tell I was here, then sands recover. Copyright © 2008 by Jack Huber
Private Reply to Jack Huber
Aug 03, 2010 10:07 am
re: F.O.R.M.- Haiku and Senryu (revisited)
Manohar Bhatia
Jack,My haiku type of senryu::::::____Meditation___(senryu)[ In meditationcalmness suddenly resideseven in anger.]Manohar Bhatia.
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Aug 03, 2010 10:15 am
re: re: F.O.R.M.- Haiku and Senryu (revisited)
Jack Huber
A very good senryu, Manohar, and true.Jack
Private Reply to Jack Huber
Aug 03, 2010 11:25 am
re: re: re: F.O.R.M.- Haiku and Senryu (revisited)
Maya Mahant
Jack, here are my attempts....Mirage (Haiku)Summer's blazing sun,waves of heat or oasis?Mirage in the sands.Mother's Arms (Senryu)Even at fifty,found comfort, in mother's arms,bereft, she is gone.
Private Reply to Maya Mahant
Aug 03, 2010 2:09 pm
re: re: re: re: F.O.R.M.- Haiku and Senryu (revisited)
Jack Huber
Maya, these also conform to both haiku and senryu, as posted. Good work!Jack
Private Reply to Jack Huber
Aug 03, 2010 3:11 pm
re: re: re: re: re: F.O.R.M.- Haiku and Senryu (revisited)
Pushpa Moorjani
Jack taught me HaikuA new form I learnt todayNo! Now won't forget!:))
Private Reply to Pushpa Moorjani
Aug 03, 2010 3:43 pm
re: re: re: re: re: re: F.O.R.M.- Haiku and Senryu (revisited)
Jack Huber
Cute, Pushpa. You wrote a senryu about haiku...It does conform. Nice one.Jack

Monday Poem::::::::::::: ["Of what Use?"]

Monday Poem_________ [" Of What Use?"]
Views: 39
Jul 26, 2010 1:47 am
Monday Poem_________ [" Of What Use?"]
Manohar Bhatia
Hello,This poem came to me,when reading an article on Numbers.From this one idea,other similar ideas,situations,problems also came along and I thought why not make it into a sort of poem.Members are free to critique for style,language,logic and improvement______________["Of What Use"]["Of what use is this Number Onewhen One is a lonely numberwithout any friends, associates, family?Of what use is this Black & Whitewhen there is reality in greya reality touching heart,mind,body,soul?Of what use is this wordly togethernesswhen the poetry of life is alonenessan aloneness,that is pure,joy,bliss,meditation?of what use is the scientist promising hopewhen a poet shows you a way out of hopelessnessthat can open your mind to total awareness?Of what use are these world of colorswhen painter expertly mixes B & W with greycreating amazing canvas of divine beauty & art?Of what use is this confession before a priestwhen sinner can redeem his life reading biblewhere our Lord God has put his signature?Of what use are these wars fought among nationswhen lyricist pens few peaceful lines of reconcilliationfor a permanant durable peace amongst humanity?Of what use is this live-in relationshipswhen joys of parenthood are calling usfor traditional rituals,ceremonies,parties,marriages?Of what use are these winnings of a roulettewhen there is sure winner in every merry-go-roundfor an honest,sustained effort,labor,sweat?Of what use are these best selling writerswhen a single Shakespeare has sold the worldin meaningful poems,astounding plays,fascinating lyrics?]_____ The End ______copyright@ManoharBhatiaAll rights are reserved.
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Jul 26, 2010 4:39 am
re: Monday Poem_________ [" Of What Use?"]
Khurshid Alam
Hi Manohar,You're right. But should not there be change? As you seem to reject somethings such as live-in relationship etc. We must accpet changes even though if they seem not so good from our pespective and we must let live those who prefer a way of life.
Private Reply to Khurshid Alam
Jul 26, 2010 6:18 am
re: Monday Poem_________ [" Of What Use?"]
Maya Mahant
Fascinating Manohar, sometime or the other we have had these thoughts. However, would there be progress, if we all sat down and said 'Of What Use?' Though in context of war, I wholeheartedly endorse what you say.We live 'on' hope, if we only thought about the futility of life, we would wither up and die.Maya
Private Reply to Maya Mahant
Jul 26, 2010 9:41 am
re: re: Monday Poem_________ [" Of What Use?"]
Jack Huber
Monohar, you didn't say you were answering any questions, just describing a feeling most of us have from time to time. In this light, you have done well.Jack
Private Reply to Jack Huber
Jul 26, 2010 10:01 am
re: Monday Poem_________ [" Of What Use?"]
Diane Tegarden
Manohar,I don't see the world as black and white, I see the shades of grey, just as you do. I have come to accept change and variety as a part of life, and so have many questions that remain unanswered.Three small notes on word usage:I believe in the line "Of what use is this wordly togetherness" you meant to use "worldly","permanant" should be spelled "permanent",and "reconcilliation" should be "reconciliation".My favorite stanza is:Of what use are these wars fought among nationswhen lyricist pens few peaceful lines of reconcilliationfor a permanant durable peace amongst humanity?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Note to members, please note that Manohar asked for input or I wouldn't have brought up the notes on word usage!Energetically, Diane Tegarden"Getting OUT of Limbo-A Self Help Divorce Book for Women";"Light ThroughShuttered Window- A Compendium of my Poetry";"Anti-Vigilante and TheRips in Time"- available at www.firewalkerpublications.com and www.Amazon.com
Private Reply to Diane Tegarden
Jul 26, 2010 12:42 pm
re: Monday Poem_________ [" Of What Use?"]
Diane Stephenson
Manohar:Well-done. I agree to a point with those who think change is necessary, but there are some principles that must remain or society disintegrates. I agree with you that life is not just black and white as many people try to simplify it, but there are many shades of grey that make up our lives. I do believe, however, that without all the colors of the rainbow, life would be rather dull. Black is simply the absence of light and white the absence of color and I like to think of my life as a combination of both with color. An artist may be able to create a fascinating canvas with the simplicity of black and white, but just think of a world full of black and white flowers, for instance. I like the way you have asked the questions and proffered a reason for not accepting the absolutes some put forth. It is a poem of musing on life's issues and causes the reader to think for him/herself rather than accept without question what society tries to dictate, and gives food for thought to come up with an answer to your questions. Diane
Private Reply to Diane Stephenson
Jul 27, 2010 3:44 am
re: Monday Poem_________ [" Of What Use?"]
Manohar Bhatia
Hello,When William Shakespare wrote_____"What is this life, full of care,we have no time to stand and stare,no time to stand beneath the trees,etc..............."he did not have a rule for everyone to follow.Well,how should I put my thoughts? Let me try......I will put it this way............. Number One is the dream of everyone, but when one gets there, he/she still feels 'something' is missing and it is this 'missing' aspect that I want to convey through this poem.People get bored with all good things of life and feel unhappy,thinking of the next step to follow.I have written this poem from that particular angle.As Jack says, a poet has a veto license to take the meaning to a different level....I have done this in this poem,but limited by reason.To sum up,I will conclude that in every triplicate,that is composed,I have my own rason,which I want the character to experience himself/herself.Jack:::::::I endorse that you have understood my poem.Khurshid:::When one is living in a society, one has to follow certain rules/traditions and these are called 'truths'. However,I agree with you that for people wanting to live their own way of life.Diane.T::::Thank you and thank again for spelling corrections....[wordly],[permanent],[reconcilliation]stand corrected.Diane.S.:::I agree that black & white flowers will not look good,but here in the poem I want to convey also about the underdog things.Many people have forgotten to see beauty elswhere.e.g. in B & W.You are nearer to Jack's & my philosophy and thanks for your valuable comments.Maya:::::::When I gave the title to the poem::["Of What Use"],I had a mellow type of reasoning and there is nothing more to it than this.Thanks Maya for your comments.Manohar Bhatia
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Aug 01, 2010 11:43 am
re: re: Monday Poem_________ [" Of What Use?"]
Ayub Bangroo
Manohar,As is usual with you this poem too is a debating piece asking for taxing one`s mind to find the answer.These questions have relevance,because these help us to understand the life in totality.They are like speed breakers keeping us cautiously going.Ayub
Private Reply to Ayub Bangroo
Aug 02, 2010 9:39 am
re: re: re: Monday Poem_________ [" Of What Use?"]
Manohar Bhatia
Ayub,Thanks for understanding my poem.When I ask a question, that question is not mine only, but for everyone to ponder over and seek an answer.Manohar Bhatia
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Aug 02, 2010 1:37 pm
re: re: re: re: Monday Poem_________ [" Of What Use?"]
Pushpa Moorjani
Nice poem Manohar and the comments are also enlighteningGreat pals here…“Of what use is this wordly togethernesswhen the poetry of life is alonenessan aloneness,that is pure,joy,bliss,meditation?”I think the repetition of the word ‘aloneness' is not necessaryand may also I addOf what use is the poetry if it doesn’t stir the soulThe disturbing thoughts, while peeled off layer by layerFind newer meanings when it is shared:)
Private Reply to Pushpa Moorjani
Aug 03, 2010 9:44 am
re: re: re: re: re: Monday Poem_________ [" Of What Use?"]
Manohar Bhatia
Pushpa,Thanks for your comments.Regarding the word,'aloneness',I think we both are right.This word can be deleted and if you read again, you might feel it is laying emphasis of what beauty lies in aloneness.I may add here, that your last stanza is very impressive for me to read.Thanks again.Manohar Bhatia